sarpy.analysis package¶
sarpy.analysis.OEanalysis module¶
sarpy.analysis.analysis module¶
sarpy.analysis.cest module¶
sarpy.analysis.colormaps module¶
sarpy.analysis.gather_data module¶
Created on Thu Aug 29 15:43:31 2013
@author: stefan
- sarpy.analysis.gather_data.df_from_masterlist(masterlist_name, treatment_dict=None)[source]¶
Take in a masterlist (which is a dict after reading from json file) and parse patient names into
patient name
tumour type
tumour location
patient number
Optional dictionary can be input that contains treatment groups and the patients corresponding to the groups. For e.g.:
- tx_condition = {
‘Ctrl’ : [‘NecS3Hs10’, ‘NecS3Hs14’], ‘Avast’: [‘NecS3Hs11’,’NecS3Hs05’], ‘Comb’: [‘NecS3Hs09’,’NecS3Hs06’]}
sarpy.analysis.get_histogram module¶
- sarpy.analysis.get_histogram.get_histogram(masterlist, pat_regex='', scan_regex='', adata_regex='', slice_range=None, roi_label=None, verbose=False)[source]¶
Returns histogram for a parameter map inside a given ROI
- HerP2_dR1_HPG=get_histogram(masterlist, pat_regex=’’,
scan_regex=’’, adata_regex=’multiday_deltaR1_HPG’, slice_range=None, roi_label=(‘roi-24h’, ‘roi’), verbose=True)
sarpy.analysis.getters module¶
sarpy.analysis.histoBoard module¶
Create tumour boards from histology data.
A config file is used to describe the construction of histo boards.
Copyright: SARlab members, UBC, Vancouver, 2013
sarpy.analysis.mriBoards module¶
sarpy.analysis.rois module¶
sarpy.analysis.special_finder module¶
Created on Wed Nov. 13
@author: fmoosvi