sarpy.analysis package


sarpy.analysis.OEanalysis module

sarpy.analysis.analysis module

sarpy.analysis.cest module

sarpy.analysis.colormaps module

sarpy.analysis.gather_data module

Created on Thu Aug 29 15:43:31 2013

@author: stefan

sarpy.analysis.gather_data.df_from_masterlist(masterlist_name, treatment_dict=None)[source]

Take in a masterlist (which is a dict after reading from json file) and parse patient names into

  • patient name

  • tumour type

  • tumour location

  • patient number

Optional dictionary can be input that contains treatment groups and the patients corresponding to the groups. For e.g.:

tx_condition = {

‘Ctrl’ : [‘NecS3Hs10’, ‘NecS3Hs14’], ‘Avast’: [‘NecS3Hs11’,’NecS3Hs05’], ‘Comb’: [‘NecS3Hs09’,’NecS3Hs06’]}

sarpy.analysis.get_histogram module

sarpy.analysis.get_histogram.get_histogram(masterlist, pat_regex='', scan_regex='', adata_regex='', slice_range=None, roi_label=None, verbose=False)[source]

Returns histogram for a parameter map inside a given ROI

HerP2_dR1_HPG=get_histogram(masterlist, pat_regex=’’,

scan_regex=’’, adata_regex=’multiday_deltaR1_HPG’, slice_range=None, roi_label=(‘roi-24h’, ‘roi’), verbose=True)

sarpy.analysis.getters module

sarpy.analysis.histoBoard module

Create tumour boards from histology data.

A config file is used to describe the construction of histo boards.

Copyright: SARlab members, UBC, Vancouver, 2013


create histoboards

conf_file=None: name of config file as kw parameter

sarpy.analysis.mriBoards module

sarpy.analysis.rois module

sarpy.analysis.special_finder module

Created on Wed Nov. 13

@author: fmoosvi

sarpy.analysis.special_finder.getCumData(day0scans, adata_label, roi_label)[source]
sarpy.analysis.special_finder.special_finder(masterlist_name, data_label, adata_label, excludePatients=None)[source]

sarpy.analysis.write_csv module

Module contents