SARpy’s documentation!¶
The code is hosted in the private repository by github and by gitlab. If you are stuck with branches and commits, try this quickstart: (assuming you have no uncommitted local changes or local commits not pushed to the central repo that you care about):
rm -rf SARpy # remove any traces of the local copy of the repository
git clone # make a new fresh clone
cd SARlabpy # you will now be on the master branch
git checkout --track origin/thatbranchthatIusedbefore # if you are continuing on an old existing branch
git checkout -b newfeaturebranch # if you are starting on something new
sarpy – A collection of routines used for analysis of MRI data.¶
The main objectives for this code is
Reading, and reconstructing BRUKER data
Analyzing DCEMRI data
Data presentation
Integration and analysis of immunohistochemistry data