sarpy.PKanalysis package


sarpy.PKanalysis.PKModels module

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib module

Functions around modelling of contrast agent uptiake in tissue mostly inspired by the 2-Comparment eXchange Model (2CXM) paper by Sourbron and Buckley paper.

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.AIC_from_SSE(SSE=None, k=None, N=None)[source]

AIC is formally defined as 2k - 2ln(L)

Assumption of gaussian noise around measured values leads to minimizing SSE as the best strategy to maximize the likelihood of obtaining the optimal parameters in nonlinear regression.

Hence, AIC becomes:

AIC = N ln (SSE/N) + 2k N … number of data points SSE … sum square of errors k … number of fit parameters + 1 (since you’re also estimating SSE)

Note: this seems to imply that L = (SSE/N)^(-N/2) for Gaussian error

The 2nd-order corrected AIC (for finite sample sizes)

AICc= AIC + 2K(K+1) / (N-K-1)

Note: You need at least 3 more data points than parameters.


Arterial Input Function factory

Sets up a function that will correspond to one of several possible (literature) AIFs. Model (default=’Lyng’) determines the choice of AIF:


‘Lyng’ … from Lyng 1998 - mice, same Gd

‘Checkley’ … from Checkley ???

‘Pickup’ … from Pickup 2004 - mice

‘Fritz-Hansen’ … not sure and hence not implemented FIXME

(f, vfunc)2-tupel of functions

A function that accepts 1D float parameters (time). and a function that accepts a vector of floats

Will raise a TypeError exception on unkown AIFs

>>> a=AIF_factory(model='Lyng')
choosing Lyng AIF    
>>> a[0](0)
>>> a[1](array([0,1,2])
array([ 6.5       ,  6.0893048 ,  5.70760869])
sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.AIF_model(parms, time)[source]

Create AIF with linear upslope and single exponential decay.

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.TwoCXM_factory(time_axis, t0, AIFmodel=None)[source]


Sourbron provides an analytical solution in Quantification of cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume, and blood-brain-barrier leakage with DCE-MRI Sourbron et al, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Volume 62, Issue 1, pp 205

time_axis: float array

time points for which to calculate concentrations

t0: int

time of contrast arrival - AIF needs to be shifted by that much

AIFmodel: string(None)

used by AIF_factory

params: 4-element float array

[Em, Kp, Km, Fp]

!! not supplied to this factory function but needed in calls to the returned function handle - just thought we should mention this here

conc: function handle

2XCM function evaluated at the locations of time_axis, t, with params as parameters (see comment above):

conc(params, t) = Fp * numpy.convolve(res(t), AIF(t), mode=’valid’)

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.aif(t, t0=0, aifchoice=None, zeropad=False)[source]

arterial input function by Lyng

t: scalar or vector

time in min

t0: scalar (default = 0)

shift (+ to the left) of start, units of t


‘Lyng’ … from Lyng 1998 - mice, same Gd

‘Checkley’ … from Checkley D et al “Use of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI to evaluate acute treatment with ZD6474, a VEGF signalling inhibitor, in PC-3 prostate tumours. Br J Cancer, 89(10), 1889–1895. Retrieved from

‘Pickup’ … from Pickup 2004 - mice

‘Fritz-Hansen’ … not sure and hence not implemented FIXME

zeropad: boolean (default = False)

return zero-padded AIF to the left with len(t)-1 zeros

returns a tupel of the AIF and (if requested) a zeropadded AIF

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.bounds_penalty(parms, bounds)[source]

implementation of a check to see whether a list of parameters is within the given bounds. A bound is a 2D array

Interesting observation that the awkward loop is faster (by a lot!) than if numpy.any(parms<bounds[0]) or numpy.any(parms>bounds[1]):

return 1e9


return 0.0

The performance is even worse if you start messing with numpy.sign

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.conc_2CXM(t, modelparams, ca, dt)[source]

concentration time curve (see eqn [8]) from 2 parameter exchange model

t: time (vector)

modelparams: (PS, Fpl, ve, vp) (4-tupel)

ca: arterial input function (vector), should have length of 2*len(t)-1 to allow ‘valid’ convolution with impulse response function

concentration time curve for time points t

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.conc_Tofts(t, modelparams, ca, dt)[source]

concentration time curve (see eqn [1]) from simple Tofts model

t: time (vector)

modelparams: (Ktrans, ve) (2-tupel)

ca: arterial input function (vector), should have length of 2*len(t)-1 to allow ‘valid’ convolution with impulse response function

concentration time curve for time points t

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.conc_XTofts(t, modelparams, ca, dt)[source]

concentration time curve (see eqn [2]) from extended Tofts model. The ad-hoc vascular term is included in addition to the convolution with the Tofts residue, tissue response function.

t: time (vector)

modelparams: (Ktrans, ve, vp) (3-tupel)

ca: arterial input function (vector), should have length of 2*len(t)-1 to allow ‘valid’ convolution with impulse response function

concentration time curve for time points t

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.create_model_AIF(parms, time_axis, modify_rate=False, shift_h=False, shift_v=False, shift_arriv=False, scale=False, epsilon=None)[source]

Create AIF for different rates (alphas), and fixed parameters from fit of data with AIF_model function.

coopyright Tammo Rukat, 2013

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.fit_2CXM(t, ca, data, p0)[source]

fit the 2CXM with its four parameters to some data

t: time (vector)

ca: AIF (vector) note that len(ca)=2*len(t)-1 for ‘valid’ convolution

ca = aif(t,aifchoice=’Lyng’) ca = numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros(len(t)-1), ca))

data: concentration time curve (vector)

p0: starting guess (4-tupel)

modelparameters: (ve, vp, PS, Fpl) (4-tupel

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.fit_double_2CXM(t, ca1, ca2, data1, data2, p0)[source]

fit the 2CXM with its four parameters to some data that has been acquired with two(!) contrast agents

t: time (vector)

ca1, ca2: AIF for Gd-DTPA and HPG-Gd data1: concentration measured (Gd-DTPA)

data2: concentration measured (HPG-Gd)

p0: starting guess (4-tupel)

modelparameters: (ve, vp, PS, Fpl) (4-tupel)

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.fit_generic(t, data, model, p0, *pargs, **kwargs)[source]

fit a generic function

t: time (vector) data: concentration time curve (vector) model: function handle p0: starting guess

*pargs ca: AIF (vector) note that len(ca)=2*len(t)-1 for ‘valid’ convolution e.g. ca = aif(t,aifchoice=’Lyng’)

ca = numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros(len(t)-1), ca))

**kwargs fit_subset: vector (or slice) to define the subset of model results to

be evaluated (default: slice(None))

modelparameters: tupel depending on model success: as handed back from optimize.leastsq() fit: best fit ss_err: sum-of-squares rsquare: R**2 Tip: —- Always consult docs:

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.fit_generic_array(t, data, model, p0, *pargs, **kwargs)[source]

wrapper for fit_generic but data is a 4D array instead of a one-dimensional vector :mask: describes a 3D mask :data: is a 4D array with the first three dimensions matched by

the data

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.fit_scn(scn_to_analyse=None, use_stitch=True, model_ID='Tofts', AIF_ID='Checkley', roi_mask_label='auc60_roi', gd_conc_label='gd_conc', **kwargs)[source]

routine for remote running. allowed AIFs = ‘Moroz’,’Checkley’,’Lyng’ and whatever else is defined in modeule PKfitlib Required modules are

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.heaviside(time, tau)[source]

Heaviside function for use in AIF model.

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.hierarchical_fit_2CXM(t, ca, data, p0)[source]

Follow the suggestion by Sourbron & Buckley wrt fitting models of increasing complexity


convert models used to set up the model (PS, Fpl, ve, vp) into parameters more useful in the solution (Fp, Fm, Kp, Km)

function paramconv_solntomodel() is the inversion


convert models used to set up the model (PS, Fpl, ve, vp) into parameters more useful in the solution (Fp, Fm, Kp, Km)

this is the inverse of paramconf_modeltosoln()

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.rel_prob_from_AIC(AICs, axis=- 1)[source]

Relative probabilities for models whose AIC values are given

  • AICs (ndarray) – array that contains the calculated AIC for every model under consideration

  • axis (int) – axis along which the model AIC are organized in the AICs array default: -1 (last value)

The model with a minimum AIC will have a rel likelihood of 1. The other models will have a likelihood indicating the probability (relative to the minimum one) to minimize the information loss due to using a candidate model to represent the “true” model.

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.residual_2CXM(t, params)[source]

tissue response function params = (Fp, Fm, Kp, Km)

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib.residual_Tofts(t, params)[source]

simple Tofts tissue response function - see equation [37] and [38]i

params = (Ktrans, ve)

sarpy.PKanalysis.PKfitlib_testdrive module

sarpy.PKanalysis.visualize_2CXM module

Module contents